NEATsheets Featured on Your Life Arizona To Celebrate National Barbecue Day 2022

Your Life Arizona KTVK Phoenix made National Barbecue Day (May 16th, 2022) a very neat occasion for its audience by showcasing NEATsheets. To see the entire segment, click HERE.

Hosts Darren J. Cunningham and Suzanne Bissett explained how the unique wearable napkin is perfect for keeping everyone clean when eating messy barbecue. As Darren noted about NEATsheets, "Dang, why didn't I think of that thing (NEATsheets)." 

 Your Life Arizona features NEATsheets on National Barbecue Day.

The hosts of Your Life Arizona trying on NEATsheets during a segment airing on National Barbecue Day on May 16, 2022.

To learn more about NEATsheets attractive patterns and convenient pack size, go to:

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