“What a great idea! NEATsheets were an impulse buy and now I'm hooked! These sheets have cool patterns and do the job well. Now I'm having my kids use them since they are even messier than I am. In fact, the whole family is on board. It is a napkin, but one that actually works and looks good.”

- Ben S.

  • NEATsheets

    Life’s messy. Keep it NEAT.

    No one likes wearing a stain. NEATsheets are the stylish adult clothing protector solution. They are stylish, better functioning than a napkin, more dignified than bib!

    • Easy-to-use adhesive tabs
    • Ample coverage
    • Absorbent front
    • Leak-proof back
    • Attractive patterns
  • NEATwipes

    Life’s unpredictable. Keep it NEAT.

    Go the extra distance to keep it clean. With NEATwipes, eliminating germs doesn’t mean compromising on the experience.

    • 99.9% effective against germs
    • 65% ethyl alcohol
    • Lavender essential oil
    • Glycerin & aloe vera
    • No parabéns, triclosan, or benzalkonium chloride
    • 100% biodegradable
  • NEATtable

    NEATtable Palm Leaf Plates

    100% compostable NEATtable palm leaf plates are the perfect earth friendly tableware solution to backyard BBQs, outdoor weddings and any everyday gatherings.

    • 100% Compostable
    • Intended for Single Use
    • 25 Plates Per Pack
    • Circular Sourced in India
  • Peel

  • Press

  • Eat

  • Toss

“We used NEATsheets for a Colossal King Crab gathering. Made well. Great size. Easy to use. Very pretty. Will buy more. These are sturdy. Cover you completely including your lap when sitting. They stay put and remove easily with no damage to clothing. They were a hit with adults and children.”

Marilyn P.


“Thank you for producing this wonderful product. NEATsheets protect my shirts from getting stains and save my wife hours trying to remove them.”

- David D