About Us
Our brother Lee…He could have used a NEATsheet!
NEATGOODS is a growing brand of everyday products that delivers extraordinary design, sustainability, and function. We are a woman-owned, family-run company that believes innovative solutions and exceptional design should be inherent in everything we do. From the products we create to the experiences we deliver to the way we conduct business, NEATGOODS is motivated to offer better.
Our first product, NEATsheets, was conceived on a road trip. After ten days of driving cross-country from New York to Idaho, our father, a perennial entrepreneur, exclaimed, “I have an idea.” Thus the “Drippy Dicky” quickly renamed a Noopsy, and ultimately a NEATsheet was born.
As multi-tasking professionals and parents, a better car napkin made sense. How many times had we arrived at a meeting sporting a coffee stain or yogurt splotch? How often had we fed our kids chicken fingers with ketchup while carpooling them to a game? We realized the further significance of NEATsheets when our grandmother, who always dressed in cashmere, silk, and high heels, started having difficulty eating.
The uses keep coming…couch dinners while binging Netflix, office lunches while Zooming, bbq competitions, outdoor weddings, arts and crafts projects, travel, play practice, placemats, and anytime you want to keep it NEAT.
The broader concept of NEATGOODS was hatched when we identified a need for a brand of everyday products based on innovative solutions and exceptional design targeting a more discriminating client. Our customer is an active, educated, and prosocial consumer. We are on a mission to design products that fulfill her aspirations. As we live better and longer, NEATGOODS is building our brand based on a desire for better, not more. We see exceptional products as a right, not a privilege.
That’s why we are growing into NEATGOODS. We’re on a journey. Maybe not picturesque road trip this time, but one that’s full of adventures.