A “NEAT” Little Secret To Outsmart Spills And Stains

NEATGOODS is so excited to have NEATsheets and NEATwipes showcased by Jill Bauer, a go-to personality to millions for all things home: decor, recipes, entertaining ideas, beauty tips, fashion inspiration and more! 
Jill Bauer showing Blue Ticking NEATsheets that she keeps in her car to keep NEAT.
To paraphrase Jill, "I'm not a celebrity. I’m just Jill. A gal who loves her family and loves to have fun, eat, cook, sleep, shop, decorate, garden, create, and play."
Jill Bauer showing how to remove the adhesive tab on a NEATsheet while sitting at a table outside on a porch.
So take a read of Jill's terrific blog posts, entitled: "A “NEAT” Little Secret To Outsmart Spills And Stains."
We think it is really NEAT!
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